• https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/network-plugins/

容器运行时为 Docker, 网络由 Docker 管理,无需 CNI。或者通过 kubelet--network-plugin=cni 指定网络由 CNI 管理。

plugins.go:166] Loaded network plugin "cni"
docker_service.go:255] Docker cri networking managed by cni

容器运行时为其他(例如 containerd),则需要配置 CNI

kubelet 参数(仅 Docker 运行时有效)

cni-bin-dir Kubelet probes this directory for plugins on startup

network-plugin The network plugin to use from cni-bin-dir. It must match the name reported by a plugin probed from the plugin directory. For CNI plugins, this is simply cni

If there are multiple CNI configuration files in the directory, the kubelet uses the configuration file that comes first by name in lexicographic order.

--network-plugin=cni specifies that we use the cni network plugin with actual CNI plugin binaries located in --cni-bin-dir (default /opt/cni/bin) and CNI plugin configuration located in --cni-conf-dir (default /etc/cni/net.d).

--network-plugin=kubenet specifies that we use the kubenet network plugin with CNI bridge and host-local plugins placed in /opt/cni/bin or cni-bin-dir.

--network-plugin-mtu=9001 specifies the MTU to use, currently only used by the kubenet network plugin.

# cniVersion

CNI 配置文件必须设置 cniVersion

  • cniVersion https://github.com/containernetworking/cni/blob/main/SPEC.md
  • https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/80482

# 参考

  • https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000017182169